Per the request of the commissioner of all the art (The Great and Powerful Gremloblin) for the recent FFW tournament.

The voting for the final round of the FFW ENF wrestling tournament will be exclusive for those on or (Message me if you are on fanbox to cast your vote)

After the conclusion, we’ll get a short comic featuring the match between Molly and Gabriella that will be free to all.

I’ll also do a special piece of bonus artwork featuring the winner, which will be exclusive to Substar and fanbox.

I know it’s been awhile but the wrestling tournament continues!

Gabriella comes out on top as she beat Ms. Asstronomical! The final round will be between Molly and Gabriella… who would’ve thought? 😀

I’ll post about the details in the coming days.

A little something for Halloween, Molly and friends dressed up as the sailor scouts. I know I’ve done this before but I always liked the idea and wanted to revisit it.

Nude versions on and

Gabriella never really learns her lesson.

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Part 3 of Molly being a really really bad friend. 

Commissioned by Gremloblin

A follow up to the Ask Molly: Down the Alley picture I did a couple months ago.

Seems it was that dirty Garth that was stalking Molly and Gabriella and now Molly is too scared to help her friend…?

Commissioned by Gremloblin

Seems David isn’t the only parent in town that forces his daughter(s) to dress up.

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or and get a question answered every month. Including early access to my art and an invite to the discord channel.