Taken awhile but finally posted a new reply. I really should take a little more time on these…. that or be a little less distracted when I do them.Question9 reply9




I received quite a few questions asking why Charlotte bullies Molly. So if you asked something along those lines… bam. Answered.. 😀Question4 reply4

Time to get all your Molly questions answered. If you have a question leave a reply on this post. You can ask any of the Molly characters any question so please be clear on who you are addressing.

When you leave a comment I will leave it unapproved until Molly or whoever responds to it. That way that person will know that their question got answered. Also there are a ton of questions already and I’m doing them in no particular order.

Please be patient as I’m spinning many plates right now and will not get to post something everyday.

About Molly



Molly was asked if she ever got spanked.Mollyreply29