Angie gets a question… you get too much information. Monkeycheese Posted on February 27, 2016 Posted in Angie, Ask Molly 8 Comments Tagged with loli Related
Istoleyourunderpantiesduringnaptimeandgavethemtotheteacherandhewassmellingthemandhetoldmehe’sgoingtosliphispeepeeinyourmouthnexttimeatnaptimeandi’mgonnalickyourkitty. XOXOXOXO Lost Doll. Reply
I have some fruit for you angie, in my shiny white van. Just come inside, I hope you like bananas. Reply
Oh I get it. You like fruit. So… What do you mean with Gabby acting weird? Is it talking cat weird? Or Old Man in Trenchcoat offering candy weird? Reply
I have some fruit for you angie, in my shiny white van.
Just come inside, I hope you like bananas.
gabby acts weird when molly stays over? whats she do?
Oh I get it. You like fruit.
So… What do you mean with Gabby acting weird? Is it talking cat weird? Or Old Man in Trenchcoat offering candy weird?
hey angie how many strawberries can you fit in your mouth at once?
So Angie, What’s under that cute dress of yours?
Hey, Angie have you ever met Molly’s cousin? She’s pretty close to your age.
So, if she likes fruit, what is her favorite fruit???