Hear-hear. What even is Gabby and Angie’s mom’s name? By the sounds of Angie’s ramblings earlier, she sounds like she’s single or a widower. Lots of potential fun and excitement just waiting to be revealed.
IT sHould bE noted in caSe anyONe mISsed it chArlotte’s brother ChRis is pEEring at something Perched at eye level. SometHing nora sEemS unawarE of likE otherS. NOone suspecTs HIs true Nature but we know everythinG.
Hey Charlotte. The Watcher was just going through some files and there’s an really interesting old Farmer’s Fields story involving you. Want to share it with everyone?
If only she knew…
Who says she doesn’t?
Do I smell incestial undertones between Charlotte and her brother afoot?
Possibly between mother and son, as well?
Possibly! 😉
My “sexy fun time” senses are tingling!
Lol… In what way? I mean the whole point of this blog is to get everyone’s sexy fun time senses tingling. 😀
not sure if this is a direct question to any particular character.
If you phrase this a little differently I’m sure I could put it in the questions queue.
I’m sure their mom makes sure they’re getting along properly
hey charlotte do you do things to molly because your mother does stuff to you?
To Gabriella’s mom. What you do for a living. Anything “interesting” in the family life?
Hear-hear. What even is Gabby and Angie’s mom’s name? By the sounds of Angie’s ramblings earlier, she sounds like she’s single or a widower. Lots of potential fun and excitement just waiting to be revealed.
Her first name is Fionna. Though I like to refer to her as Ms. Greene.
IT sHould bE noted in caSe anyONe mISsed it chArlotte’s brother ChRis is pEEring at something Perched at eye level. SometHing nora sEemS unawarE of likE otherS. NOone suspecTs HIs true Nature but we know everythinG.
Hey Charlotte. The Watcher was just going through some files and there’s an really interesting old Farmer’s Fields story involving you. Want to share it with everyone?
How often does Charlotte get a spanking then? I would imagine pretty often if her mother knows she’s such a bully.