A handful of questions for Bridget. Feel free to pick any you like!
What is it like working at Moo-steaks?
How is your relationship with your boss?
How is your relationship with your family?
What sort of evening jobs do you do?
What is it like being so short?
Why do you keep taking jobs to babysit Chris when he is such a horrible little gremlin?
Hey Josephine, how often do you have unsafe sex? Are you aware of the risks involved?
Is this the right place to ask?
Gabriella, when did you first see your friend Molly naked? Did you just ask nicely or…
Yup it’s ok to ask here.
Hey, Josephine, have you ever thought what life would be like if you were in a relationship with Olivia?
Hm, is Grace aware of the time David hypnotized Molly and Gabby? I hope she’s next~
Josephine, can you breathhold underwater for how long?
A handful of questions for Bridget. Feel free to pick any you like!
What is it like working at Moo-steaks?
How is your relationship with your boss?
How is your relationship with your family?
What sort of evening jobs do you do?
What is it like being so short?
Why do you keep taking jobs to babysit Chris when he is such a horrible little gremlin?
Molly, when you play with yourself, do you ever put a finger in your butt?
Brieon, could you talk about your family and how you get along with each one?
What does Brieon do for a living?
Hi, Noelle, would you introduce your family, please?
Noelle, what do you think about Charlotte?
Dr. Cassius Cross, out of the friends Charlotte brings her friends over, which is your a favorite and what do you like about them?
Maya, when you play against someone in P.E. do you prefer a challenge or an easy victory?
Ron, how is home life for you and your family?
Hey Josephine, how close would you say you are with your family? You ever do a family bath night?
MC. Who has the biggest, most jiggly butt. Molly or Gabby?
Question for Maya, why don’t you like alcohol?
hey olivia, why is sans in my attic